The e-commerce platform you were looking for

Open source. Scalable. Easy to use.

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Drag and drop editor

Odoo offers a wide range of building blocks that you can easily drag and drop to create visually appealing pages. Creating a site has never been easier with Odoo.

Create your store in four simple steps

With the AI-powered website configurator from Odoo, you can create your site in four simple steps. Additionally, Odoo provides royalty-free images that match the specifics of your industry.

Quality themes

Odoo offers great built-in themes specifically designed for each industry. Additionally, you can create your own theme or choose one from our theme store.

Sell anything in Odoo eCommerce app

You can sell anything

Odoo is suitable for all types of businesses and offers hundreds of ready-to-use features. With Odoo, you no longer need to invest in numerous plugins.

Configure options and attributes

Configure product options such as color or size and set different prices for each configuration.

B2B store and multi-site capabilities

You can restrict store access to authorized users only and use price lists to display different prices.

Automated tax rate calculation

Sales taxes are applied automatically based on the customer's location and business type.

Convert website visitors

Odoo offers reliable tools to help you convert your website visitors into paying customers.

Target the right audience

Reach the right audience in Odoo eCommerce app

Optimized for SEO and mobile devices

Use integrated tools to improve search engine rankings and automatically optimize your website for mobile devices.

Robust dashboard

Use the built-in dashboard to view top sales and access advanced e-commerce statistics.

Multiple websites

Set up multiple stores in one database. Share products between sites.

Analytical tools

Use the integrated tracking tool or connect your Google Analytics account to analyze visitor behavior and improve conversion rates.

Multichannel marketing strategy

With various Odoo apps, you can integrate your online store with other sales channels, including your Points of Sale (POS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems,
as part of your multichannel marketing strategy.

Developed using a Content Management System (CMS)

Examples of what you can create with the website builder:

Create your online store with Odoo

Try our tool for free and start exploring all the capabilities needed for your online business.

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12 Million users

grow their business with Odoo