Vacation management for everyone

Manage vacations and employee absences

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Manage employee vacations

Track all employee vacations.

Employees can easily request, and managers can quickly approve and confirm vacation days, while the system automatically updates each employee's schedule. Managers can also view the entire team's vacation schedule in one convenient place, allowing them to keep the team organized and anticipate any necessary task distribution during absences.


Approve or reject vacation requests

Manage all employee requests

Allow employees to submit their own vacation requests and receive email notifications for each new request. Approve or reject requests and provide employees with explanations in the form of a note in case of rejection.

Receive reports to plan ahead

Basic reporting tool

Create reports with one click for each vacation request with detailed information about the request type, employee, department, and company-wide data. Obtain vacation statistics and use them to plan future vacations to maintain high productivity levels.

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