MIS Builder

January 12, 2023 by
Олена Кирилюк

Management information system reports for Odoo: easily create ultra-fast, beautiful, customizable reports such as profit and loss reports, balance sheets, and much more.

Information about modules

MIS Builder is a set of modules that is part of the Odoo Business Suite of Applications.

The source code of the modules can be found in the official OCA Github repository:

The main modules are:

The mis_builder module installs the "MIS Reports" menu, "MIS Report Styles," and "MIS Report Template." 
This module is basic and necessary for any other module.

The mis_builder_budget module sets the "MIS Budget" menu.

The mis_builder_demo module installs reports with demo data into the existing MIS (not suitable for a production environment).

Link: https://github.com/OCA/mis-builder

Auxiliary modules: 



Documentation: https://oca-mis-builder.readthedocs.io/en/latest/