To add printed forms, you need to go to Applications and install the Print forms for Ukraine (base) module, as well as the Print forms for Ukraine (Account) module.
We go to the Billing module and first create a Supplier Payment.
Click on the 2nd tab Dashboard.
We go to Cash and through the three-dot button select in the New group, Supplier Payment.
Now we enter the data, please note that for the Income Cash Order the payment type must be Receive. Next, click the Confirm button.
To find the printed form of the Cash Receipt Order, we locate Cash, click on the 3 dots, and select Supplier Payments in the view group.
We choose the required payment.
Press the "Print" button and select the Cash Receipt Order.
Attention! For the Incoming Cash Order form, the Payment Type must be Received!
After this, the Income Cash Order file will be uploaded.