Expenditure invoice

January 10, 2024 by
Олена Кирилюк

In order to add printed forms, you need to go to Applications and install the Print forms for Ukraine (base) module, as well as the Print forms for Ukraine (Sale) module.

To create a Commercial Offer, go to the "Sales" module and click the "New" button.

We enter all data, goods, and services, and then click the "Confirm" button.

Next, click the "Create Invoice" button and in the window that appears, click the "Create and View Invoice" button.

The next step is to confirm the account, so click the "Confirm" button.

Now we can find the printed form of the Invoice. We go to the "Sales" module and select the Commercial Offer.

There are 2 ways to find and download the form Expenditure Invoice. The 1st way is to go to Invoices.

Press the "Print" button and select the Invoice.

2nd method of loading the form. In the order itself, click the "Print" button and select the Invoice.

After these 2 methods, the Expenditure Invoice form will be loaded.