How to upload a supplier's price list to Odoo?

March 12, 2024 by
Олена Кирилюк

Loading new price lists takes place in three stages

  • Loading price list names
  • Loading prices into price lists
  • Linking price lists to partners

If the price lists have already been uploaded to the database before, but only their prices need to be updated, then only the second point needs to be executed.

Attention! Data loading from an Excel file must be done in the English interface. To switch the interface language, you need to go to the user profile:


After uploading the data, you can similarly set another language that will be convenient for you to use.

Loading price list names

To download the price list names, you can use this template for data import (the first row of the file is filled in as an example):

In the import file, it is necessary to specify the company name, the pricelist name, and the pricelist currency. In the External ID (Pricelist) column, it is necessary to come up with an external ID for the pricelist. This ID will be used later for uploading prices to the pricelist.

To download the names of the pricelists, you need to go to the Sales module – Products – Pricelists.

Next, click on Favorites – Import records

Click Upload file:

Select data import file.

We configure field mapping according to the sample and click Test (Test)

If there are no errors, click Import.

After this, a message will appear in the system about the number of uploaded records:

Checking the uploaded information

Loading prices into price lists

To upload prices to price lists, you need to fill out a new template for data import (the first two rows are filled in as an example):

Columns highlighted in blue should be filled in the same way as in the sample.

In the column Pricelist Name, specify the name of the price list used for loading prices.

In the column External ID (Pricelist), specify the external ID of the pricelist that you used for importing the names of the pricelists.

In the column Pricelist Items/Product, specify the name of the product for which you are uploading the price (this field is not mandatory to fill in).

In the Internal reference column, specify the product code for which you are uploading the price.

In the column Pricelist Items/Fixed Price, specify the price of the product.

To upload prices, go to the Sales module – Products – Pricelists

Next, click on Favorites – Import records

Click Upload file:

Select data import file.

We configure field mapping according to the sample and click Test (Test)

To enable the option "Allow alignment with subfields," you need to switch to Developer mode.

If there are no errors, click Import.

After this, a message will appear in the system about the number of uploaded records:

Checking the uploaded information.

Linking price lists to partners

If you have uploaded a new price list, you need to specify for which partners this price list should be used by default.

This can be done manually by going to the partner's card:

Or you can upload the binding of partners to price lists via an Excel file. For this, you can use the import template:

In the column External ID (Pricelist), specify the external ID of the pricelist that you used for importing the names of the pricelists.

In the Partner ID column, specify the partner's VAT for which this price list should be indicated as the main one.

First, we check the company we work for:

We go to the Contacts module. Then click Favorites – Import records.

Click Upload file and select the data import file.

We configure field mapping according to the sample and click Test:

If there are no errors, click Import.

After this, a message will appear in the system about the number of uploaded records.

Checking the uploaded information.