First, you need to create attributes and their values in the "Attributes" directory in the "Warehouse" module.
In order to export a template with the necessary columns that are not in the product upload template, you need to perform the following actions:
1. In the "Products" tab in the "Warehouse/Purchases/Sales" module, change the display view to a list, select products from the list, and click the "Export" button:
2. The system will offer a file export option, automatic fields for unloading on the right/ all others - on the left), as well as the ability to update data.
So, we select the "XLSX" template, check the box for data update.
In addition, you have the ability to save templates for export by clicking "New Template" -> "Save"
3. Among the list of all proposed fields, you can select "Product Attributes" and expand the dropdown list by clicking the ">" icon.
4. Then select from the list "Product Attributes/ Attribute", "Product Attributes/ Value", and then click "Export"
It is worth noting that if you plan to upload a new product that is not in the system, you need to upload it separately from the standard template, taking into account the ID column for each product !!! Since the system will refer to this ID when assigning attribute values to these products. When uploading a new product, you can specify any ID for convenience.
For example:
5. After uploading the file, as we can see, additional attribute columns with values appeared.
6. We edit these values as follows:
7. Save the file and go to the database in the "Products" tab in the "Warehouse/Sales/Purchase" module - "Bookmarks" - "Import records" - "Upload file"
8. We check the field mapping and click "Test"
Pay attention to the system message and, if everything is correct, click "Import"
The import was successful, as we can see from the changes in the product card in the "Attributes and Variants" tab: