Tracking the entire life cycle from the order in CRM to the shipment of goods from the warehouse

April 2, 2024 by
Олена Кирилюк

Stage 1 - creating a lead in the CRM system. In CRM, leads can come from several sources: 1st by filling out an application on the website, 2nd by creating manually, 3rd by receiving an email to a specific email address.

Here is an example of a manually created lead and filling in all fields, as well as correspondence with clients on the right.

The next stage of processing our clients is creating an order. Orders in Odoo can come from the lead itself (CRM module), can be automatically generated from website orders, or created manually without CRM.

Here is an order created manually without CRM. Here you can specify the client, contract for the order, payment term of the order, products and descriptions, their quantity, price, and discount.

For the created order, you can control the shipment of goods from the warehouse.

In warehouse operations, we can see the expected quantity of goods for delivery and the actual quantity of goods shipped. You can specify the delivery method and carrier; if there is integration with Nova Poshta, information about the waybill and its status will be displayed. You can also view the weight of the goods to be delivered.

You can also issue an invoice to the client as a result of the order.